Traditional Energy Healing works on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to heal and enhance health and well-being. The energy is grounding and protecting, allows love and compassion, breaks down blocks and enhances a person’s true self and natural ability to heal.  

  • Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki is a healing practice, a path to personal development, a spiritual discipline, and a mystic order of Universal Life Force handed down from the original Reiki Master Makao Usui.
  • Tibetan Healing offers a the grounded presence and balancing flow of life force energy of the monks and masters from the home it is named for, it brings balance and peace, and a sense of home in the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Sekhem Seichimm is a powerful, loving, and high vibrational energy healing, connecting us to Divine, living light, life force energy.
  • Shamanic Healing embraces the use of ceremony to help aid in healing, whether to harmonize energies, or reconnect with spirit animals, shamanic healing can be the answer when seeking the next step on the journey.